Monitor CEPH with ZABBIX

Tác giả: 26/08/2022

Monitor CEPH with ZABBIX

Environment: – CEPH Liminou – Install Zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-server-web – Installed Ceph MGR 

Topology CEPH monitor by Zabbix

Install by Doccument of Zabbix

Option 1: Using CEPH Mgr Module zabbix to send data collection to ZABBIX (Not OK)

Step 1: Enable and setup config module zabbix on MGR

ceph mgr module enable zabbix
# Check module installed
ceph mgr module ls
ceph zabbix config-set zabbix_host
Configuration option zabbix_host updated
ceph zabbix config-set identifier
Configuration option identifier updated
# Find Zabbix Sender
which zabbix_sender
--> /usr/bin/zabbix_sender
ceph zabbix config-set zabbix_sender /usr/bin/zabbix_sender
Configuration option zabbix_sender updated
ceph zabbix config-set zabbix_port 10051
Configuration option zabbix_port updated
ceph zabbix config-set interval 60
Configuration option interval updated
ceph zabbix config-show
{"zabbix_host""""identifier""""zabbix_sender""/usr/bin/zabbix_sender""interval": 60, "zabbix_port": 10051}
# Check and save as template Zabbix on Local Server
rpm -ql ceph-mgr | grep xml
cat zabbix_temaplte.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <version>2.0</version>     <- 修改成 2.0 即可导入

Step 2: Import zabbix_template.xml to Zabbix

Import xml


Create Host using template from xml

Configuration/Hosts/Create host/
# In Template tab add template import before

Allow host by update MySQL Databases;

With Trapper allowed Host we can be Update on MySQL Database
MySQL [(none)]> use zabbix;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
MySQL [zabbix]> select * hostid from hosts where name='Name of hostname';
| hostid |
|  10xxx |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL [zabbix]> select itemid, name, key_, type, trapper_hosts  from items where hostid=10xxx;
| itemid | name                                          | key_                        | type | trapper_hosts |
|  35793 | Number of Monitors                            | ceph.num_mon                |    2 |               |
|  35794 | Number of OSDs                                | ceph.num_osd                |    2 |               |
|  35795 | Number of OSDs in state: IN                   | ceph.num_osd_in             |    2 |               |
|  35796 | Number of OSDs in state: UP                   | ceph.num_osd_up             |    2 |               |
|  35797 | Number of Placement Groups                    | ceph.num_pg                 |    2 |               |
|  35798 | Number of Placement Groups in Temporary state | ceph.num_pg_temp            |    2 |               |
|  35799 | Number of Pools                               | ceph.num_pools              |    2 |               |
|  35800 | Ceph OSD avg fill                             | ceph.osd_avg_fill           |    2 |               |
|  35801 | Ceph backfill full ratio                      | ceph.osd_backfillfull_ratio |    2 |               |
|  35802 | Ceph full ratio                               | ceph.osd_full_ratio         |    2 |               |
|  35803 | Ceph OSD Apply latency Avg                    | ceph.osd_latency_apply_avg  |    2 |               |
|  35804 | Ceph OSD Apply latency Max                    | ceph.osd_latency_apply_max  |    2 |               |
|  35805 | Ceph OSD Apply latency Min                    | ceph.osd_latency_apply_min  |    2 |               |
|  35806 | Ceph OSD Commit latency Avg                   | ceph.osd_latency_commit_avg |    2 |               |
|  35807 | Ceph OSD Commit latency Max                   | ceph.osd_latency_commit_max |    2 |               |
|  35808 | Ceph OSD Commit latency Min                   | ceph.osd_latency_commit_min |    2 |               |
|  35809 | Ceph OSD max fill                             | ceph.osd_max_fill           |    2 |               |
|  35810 | Ceph OSD min fill                             | ceph.osd_min_fill           |    2 |               |
|  35811 | Ceph nearfull ratio                           | ceph.osd_nearfull_ratio     |    2 |               |
|  35812 | Overall Ceph status                           | ceph.overall_status         |    2 |               |
|  35813 | Overal Ceph status (numeric)                  | ceph.overall_status_int     |    2 |               |
|  35814 | Ceph Read bandwidth                           | ceph.rd_bytes               |    2 |               |
|  35815 | Ceph Read operations                          | ceph.rd_ops                 |    2 |               |
|  35816 | Total bytes available                         | ceph.total_avail_bytes      |    2 |               |
|  35817 | Total bytes                                   | ceph.total_bytes            |    2 |               |
|  35818 | Total number of objects                       | ceph.total_objects          |    2 |               |
|  35819 | Total bytes used                              | ceph.total_used_bytes       |    2 |               |
|  35820 | Ceph Write bandwidth                          | ceph.wr_bytes               |    2 |               |
|  35821 | Ceph Write operations                         | ceph.wr_ops                 |    2 |               |
29 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL [zabbix]> update items set trapper_hosts=',' where hostid=10xxx;
Query OK, 29 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 29  Changed: 29  Warnings: 0

MySQL [zabbix]> select itemid, name, key_, type, trapper_hosts  from items where hostid=10xxx;
| itemid | name                                          | key_                        | type | trapper_hosts          |
|  35793 | Number of Monitors                            | ceph.num_mon                |    2 |, |
|  35794 | Number of OSDs                                | ceph.num_osd                |    2 |, |
|  35795 | Number of OSDs in state: IN                   | ceph.num_osd_in             |    2 |, |
|  35796 | Number of OSDs in state: UP                   | ceph.num_osd_up             |    2 |, |
|  35797 | Number of Placement Groups                    | ceph.num_pg                 |    2 |, |
|  35798 | Number of Placement Groups in Temporary state | ceph.num_pg_temp            |    2 |, |
|  35799 | Number of Pools                               | ceph.num_pools              |    2 |, |
|  35800 | Ceph OSD avg fill                             | ceph.osd_avg_fill           |    2 |, |
|  35801 | Ceph backfill full ratio                      | ceph.osd_backfillfull_ratio |    2 |, |
|  35802 | Ceph full ratio                               | ceph.osd_full_ratio         |    2 |, |
|  35803 | Ceph OSD Apply latency Avg                    | ceph.osd_latency_apply_avg  |    2 |, |
|  35804 | Ceph OSD Apply latency Max                    | ceph.osd_latency_apply_max  |    2 |, |
|  35805 | Ceph OSD Apply latency Min                    | ceph.osd_latency_apply_min  |    2 |, |
|  35806 | Ceph OSD Commit latency Avg                   | ceph.osd_latency_commit_avg |    2 |, |
|  35807 | Ceph OSD Commit latency Max                   | ceph.osd_latency_commit_max |    2 |, |
|  35808 | Ceph OSD Commit latency Min                   | ceph.osd_latency_commit_min |    2 |, |
|  35809 | Ceph OSD max fill                             | ceph.osd_max_fill           |    2 |, |
|  35810 | Ceph OSD min fill                             | ceph.osd_min_fill           |    2 |, |
|  35811 | Ceph nearfull ratio                           | ceph.osd_nearfull_ratio     |    2 |, |
|  35812 | Overall Ceph status                           | ceph.overall_status         |    2 |, |
|  35813 | Overal Ceph status (numeric)                  | ceph.overall_status_int     |    2 |, |
|  35814 | Ceph Read bandwidth                           | ceph.rd_bytes               |    2 |, |
|  35815 | Ceph Read operations                          | ceph.rd_ops                 |    2 |, |
|  35816 | Total bytes available                         | ceph.total_avail_bytes      |    2 |, |
|  35817 | Total bytes                                   | ceph.total_bytes            |    2 |, |
|  35818 | Total number of objects                       | ceph.total_objects          |    2 |, |
|  35819 | Total bytes used                              | ceph.total_used_bytes       |    2 |, |
|  35820 | Ceph Write bandwidth                          | ceph.wr_bytes               |    2 |, |
|  35821 | Ceph Write operations                         | ceph.wr_ops                 |    2 |, |
29 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Add Crontab of Ceph command zabbix send

[root@cephsvr-128040 ~]# cat /etc/cron.d/ceph
*/1 * * * * root ceph zabbix send

Step 3: Show Graphic on Zabbix Server

ceph pool


ceph io

ceph bandwidth


ceph OSD latency


Option 2: Using Script and use zabbix agent collect data (OK)

Use repos share from zabbix – Monitor CEPH with ZABBIX

Install Zabbix-agent on Node CEPH

Config zabbix_agent.conf:

# IP-address of Zabbix Server
# IP-address of Zabbix Server for Zabbix Agent(active) monitoring
# Host name of the client's

Import xml


Create Host using template from xml

Configuration/Hosts/Create host/
# In Template tab add template import before

Show graphs… – 

Khi cần hỗ trợ xin liên hệ với chúng tôi: Công ty phần mềm Nhân Hòa Trụ sở Hà Nội: Tầng 4 – Toà nhà 97 – 99 Láng Hạ, Đống Đa, Hà Nội

Chi nhánh HCM: 270 Cao Thắng (nối dài), Phường 12, Quận 10, TP HCM

Chi nhánh Vinh – Nghệ An: Tầng 2 Tòa nhà Sài Gòn Sky, ngõ 26 Nguyễn Thái Học, phường Đội Cung, TP. Vinh, Nghệ An Hotline: 19006680

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